1. Chronology - Email - SARA
Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au = Emily
me@warrenbolton.com= Warren
ward@urbanplanet.com.au = Urban
Planet Ward Veitch
mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com Mark
and Julianne Grunske
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Tuesday, 3 September 2024 1:45 PM To: 'Development Planning'; 'Emily Burke' Cc: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: Request for Change RAL21/0138 Attachments: 21153 RAL Report - Change Addendum.pdf; 21153
Proposal Plan 2024.pdf |
Follow Up Flag:
Follow up Flag Status:
Flagged Pursuant to
s52(1) of the Planning Act 2016, please find attached a request to change a
development application that is still in process. Attached are the proposed
changes by way of report addendum and the revised proposal plan. Pursuant to the
provisions of the Development Assessment Rules 2017, the Assessment Manager
will provide a copy of the change to the relevant State agencies. Regards, Ward Veitch |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Tuesday, 10 September 2024 9:22 AM To: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: FW: 2112-26497 SRA Attachments: DOCSHBCC-#5064887-v1-Letter_under_section_25_1 _of_DA_Rules_-_changed_application_-_RAL21_0138_-_Wilkinson_Road_Tuan.pdf; DOCSHBCC-#5065721-v1-Request for Change Development Application
- 030924 - M And J Grunske C_ Urban Planet Town Planning Consultants -
RAL21_0138 - Reconfiguring A Lot - One (1) Lot into 18 Lots - WILKINSON ROAD
forward copy of Council’s referral email of amendment development to SARA |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Tuesday, 10 September 2024 3:55 PM To: 'Ward - Urban Planet' Subject: RE: 2112-26497 SRA |
Thanks Ward Is my memory
correct? On 20 June 2024
we lodged our Information Response to SARA Information Request of 7 January
2022. On 9 July 2024
SARA wrote to you advising that given the intention to construct the Berm in
the Forestry Reserve there needed to be further information provided in
relation to the ‘earthworks’ associated with the Berm, in order to satisfy
the agency’s assessment process. They requested
the receipt of that additional information by 19 July 2024 which I understand
was then extended to 26 July 2024 and then 21 October 2024. I note the
Council has forwarded to SARA our application to amend the development
approval and that the Council has determined the application change is
considered "minor". While it would
be apparent from the information in the ‘changed application’ material that
the issue SARA raised on 19 July 2024 is no longer relevant However, do you
consider that it would be prudent of us to nonetheless, formally respond to
SARA’s formal request advising them that the issue they raised in their
subsequent information request is no longer relevant to the proposed
development? 1. Please let
me know your opinion. Plus given that
the changed application no longer contains a scope that would embrace the
Berm proposal and that in relation to the issue of the location within the
erosion prone area, has already been addressed and has not been challenged by
SARA am I right to assume that SARA now have an obligation to proceed to
determine the material before them and provide Council with their response
and that the response date of 21 October 2024 is not a relevant date given
that it relates to material that is no longer relevant. If I am
correct-How many days does SARA now have to either lodge a further
Information Request or issues their
advice to Council? 2. Please let
me know your opinion. Regards Warren |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 5:05 PM To: 'WBBSARA@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au' Cc: Emily Burke FCRC; Ward Veitch - Urban Planet Subject: RAL21-0138- Wilkinson Road TUAN QLD 4650 |
Dear Mr
Lankowski I act as
project manager for the development by Mark and Julianne Grunske in Wilkinson
Road Tuan and the subject of the development application RAL 21/0138 My authority to
act is cited below. My understanding is that my client’s consulting planner
lodged the above development application on 6 December 2021 and that as a
Referral Agency, SARA, on 7 January 2022, provided that planning consultant
with an Information Request The Information
Request addressed 2 issues: ·
PO1 of
State Code 8; and ·
PO4 and PO5 of State Code 9 My
understanding is that planning consultant responded to that information
request on 20 June 2024 and that response address both issues. As a consequence
of that response SARA issued on 9 July 2024 an Advice Notice which identified
what it saw as an outstanding issue relevant to compliance with PO 3 of State
Code 9 particularly concerning future Operational Works that would be
required to upgrade the existing stormwater and bushfire protection
facilities located within the Tuen Forestry Reserve and seeking information
that such activities would not impact on the ‘surface water or groundwater
hydrology of the adjacent wetland”. No other
concerns were cited in the Advice Notice. My
understanding is that the consultant planner, due to work constraints, sought
and was granted extensions, the most recent being until 21 October 2024 to
respond to the issue relevant to PO 3 of State Code 9. I refer to the
advice from Fraser Coast Regional Council of 9 September 2024 providing SARA
with further information in relation to an application to amend the above
development application. Though not
sighted in the proposed amendments the Lessee of the Forestry Reserve
withdrew from the partnership with my client and the original proposal was no
longer in play. This resulted in a significant reduction in the scope of the
development which is reflected in the amended application. Your agency
will note within the material provided that there is now no intention in the
development of carrying out any Operational Works within the defined
boundaries of the Great Barrier Reef wetland protection area. 2 Is my
assumption correct, that given the only outstanding concern to your agency on
9 July 2024 resulted from any effects of Operational Works within the Great
Barrier Reef Wetland Protection Area and as that no longer forms any part of
the amended application that:- a. SARA Advice
Notice of 9 July is now redundant; and b. SARA is now
in the position where they can provide advice to the assessment manager in relation to the
amended development application. I look forward
to your advice Regards Warren ………………………………………………………………………………… AUTHORITY From: Mud Crabs
Direct <mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com> Sent:
Wednesday, February 7, 2024 10:31 AM To:
ward@urbanplanet.com.au Cc:
hbmcvey@bigpond.com.au Subject: Re:
Wilkinson Road Tuan Hi Ward, We have asked Warren
Bolton to assist us to move our Tuan Project forward. Please find his details below: Warren Bolton
Consulting Pty. Ltd email:
Me@WarrenBolton.com I ask for you
to assist Warren with any details he requires from you. I have asked Warren
Bolton to Manage this project, so please ALL Correspondence goes to Warren. Warren will
contact you and introduce himself. Regards Mark &
Julianne Grunske |
From: Rosanna Nobile <Rosanna.Nobile@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> |
Warren Thank you for
your time on the phone earlier. SARA are
currently reviewing the proposed change and discussing with our technical
agency if the wetland trigger is still applicable. As discussed could you please provide details of stormwater
management (via return email). Please don’t
hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss anything further. Kind regards, Rosanna Nobile Planning Officer Planning and Development Services |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Tuesday, 24 September 2024 5:20 PM To: 'Rosanna Nobile' Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet; Emily Burke FCRC Subject: RE: RAL21-0138- Wilkinson Road TUAN QLD 4650 Attachments: Response SARA -Wetlands.pdf |
Hi Rosanna Please find attached my response Regards Warren |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Sunday, 29 September 2024 5:28 PM To: 'Rosanna.Nobile@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au' Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet Subject: Referral Agency Advice -RAL21-0138- Wilkinson Road TUAN
QLD 4650 |
Hi Rosanna Could you
please give me an estimation of when you anticipate you will have received
advice back from your
technical agency as to whether or not for the amended development that a
wetland trigger is still applicable, within the terms of the planning
regulations. And If it is
determined as still applicable, then given the information provided in my
email of 24 September, how long after receiving that technical advice will
the authority be in a position to provide its advice to the assessment
manager. Thanking you
for your assistance Regards Warren |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Tuesday, 1 October 2024 10:51 AM To: 'WBBSARA@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au' Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet; Emily Burke FCRC Subject: FW: Referral Agency Advice -RAL21-0138- Wilkinson Road
TUAN QLD 4650 |
Recipient Read 'WBBSARA@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au' Ward Veitch -
Urban Planet Emily Burke
FCRC Mud Crabs
Direct WBBSARA Read:
1/10/2024 11:15 AM Attention Peter Further to my
enquiry today re: From: Rosanna Nobile <Rosanna.Nobile@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2024
5:28 PM To: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: Automatic reply: Referral
Agency Advice -RAL21-0138- Wilkinson Road TUAN QLD 4650 I am currently out of the office
until Monday 28 October 2024. If the matter is urgent please email WBBSARA@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au or call
Wide Bay Burne SARA on (07) 4331
5614. Please note, your email has not
been forwarded. Kind regards, Rosanna Nobile I have been
advised that you are now handling this matter in Rosanna absence I look
forward to your advice at you earliest convenience. Regards Warren |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Thursday, 3 October 2024 3:23 PM To: 'Peter MULCAHY' Cc: 'Emily Burke'; 'Development Planning'; me@warrenbolton.com Subject: RE: Proposed RAL (1 Lot into 17 Lots) at Wilkinson
Road, Tuan (Your reference: 21153) Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged |
forwards email from SARA From: Peter
MULCAHY <Peter.Mulcahy@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> Sent: Thursday,
3 October 2024 3:10 PM To: Ward Veitch
<ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Cc: Emily Burke
<Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>; 'Development Planning' <Development@frasercoast.qld.gov.au> Subject:
Proposed RAL (1 Lot into 17 Lots) at Wilkinson Road, Tuan (Your reference:
21153) Importance:
High Good Afternoon, Ward, Proposed RAL (1
Lot into 17 Lots) at Wilkinson Road, Tuan (Your reference: 21153) Would you
please provide an update on the above application and whether a response to
the SARA Advice Notice will be provided. I note that the
proposed RAL has been amended to reduce the proposed lot yield (17 lots
reduce to 5 lots) however, no information
has been provided in relation to: - Existing site
levels - Finished site
levels - Total volume
of cut (cubic metres) - Total volume
of fill (cubic metres) This additional
information will seek to determine whether the high impact earthworks
definition applies to the proposed RAL. Would you
please provide the above information at your earliest convenience. The current
SARA statutory due date to issue a Referral Agency Response is 21 October
2024. Kind Regards, Peter Peter Mulcahy Principal
Planning Officer – Wide Bay Burnett |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Friday, 4 October 2024 6:27 AM To: 'Peter MULCAHY' Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet Subject: RE: Proposed RAL (1 Lot into 17 Lots) at Wilkinson
Road, Tuan (Your reference: 21153) |
Hi Peter Thank you for your
prompt response. However, I am somewhat confused. You have attached a copy of
the department’s’ Advise Notice (Notice) of 9 July 2024. I'm unsure as to why
you have provided that document. As explained,
in my response of 24 August 2024 to Rosanna’s email of the same date, the circumstances
referred to in the “Issue 1” of the Notice are now no longer applicable to
the current
development application. Further, in the
same response, I set out my understanding of the application of Schedule 10,
Part 20, Division 4, Table 2, Item 1 of the Planning Regulations 2017
(Regulations) as applicable to the current development application, as
amended and invited feedback from SARA if they did not concur with my
opinion. In Rosanna
email she also advised that SARA is ‘currently reviewing the proposed change
and discussing,
with our technical agency, if the wetland trigger is still applicable’. I have at this
stage not received a response in that regards. It
would be my preference that we deal with this matter first. Further though,
I also provided advice that in the event we reached a consensus that the
current development is still caught by the Regulations, the current position,
in relation to the issue of ‘high impact earthwork’ relevant to the current
development application and assessment under State Code 9 I await your
advice Regards Warren |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Friday, 4 October 2024 6:22 PM To: 'Peter.Mulcahy@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au' Subject: FW: Proposed RAL (1 Lot into 17 Lots) at Wilkinson
Road, Tuan (Your reference: 21153) |
Hi Peter You probably
have discovered by now but the month date of the email was in September not August Regards Warren |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Tuesday, 8 October 2024 3:19 PM To: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: FW: Proposed RAL at Wilkinson Road, Tuan (Your
reference: 21153) Attachments: SARA Advice notice (2112-26497 SRA).pdf;
DOCSHBCC-#5065721-v1-Request for Change Development Application - 030924 - M And J Grunske C_
Urban Planet Town Planning Consul.pdf |
forwards email from SARA Refer below and attached. Clearly they seem to only want to talk to me. From: Peter
MULCAHY <Peter.Mulcahy@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> Sent: Tuesday,
8 October 2024 3:05 PM To: Ward Veitch
<ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Cc: Emily Burke
<Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>; Jeff Brannan
<Jeff.Brannan@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>; 'Development
Planning' <Development@frasercoast.qld.gov.au> Subject:
Proposed RAL at Wilkinson Road, Tuan (Your reference: 21153) Importance:
High Good Afternoon Ward, Proposed RAL at
Wilkinson Road, Tuan (Your reference: 21153) Thank you for
your earlier correspondence. I note that the
proposed RAL application has been amended to reduce the number of allotments
(17 to 5) however no response has been provided to the SARA Further Advice
letter to substaintiate whether or not the
application involves high impact earthworks. |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Thursday, 10 October 2024 11:26 AM To: 'WBBSARA@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au' Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet; Emily Burke FCRC Subject: Applicant and Delegate -2112-26497 SRA |
Attention Luke
Lankowski Morning Luke Thanks for your
time yesterday Further to our
discussions yesterday afternoon in relation to the administrative policy of
State Assessment and
Referral Agency (Agency) regarding an individual's standing with the Agency
in relation to dealing with the assessment process for a statutory referral,
I make the following observations. Having given
earnest consideration to the advice provided by the Agency regarding: 1.
Determination, as to what entity actually constitutes the Applicant for DA
RAL21013 {Your ref:- 2112-26497 SRA} (DA) ; and
consequently 2. Refusal to
accept the written notification of M and J Grunske as Applicant identified on
the statutory form
DA Form1 (Form), to authorize Warren Bolton to act on their behalf, as part
of the process of
assessment for development approval, without the replacement of a whole new
Form to confirm that notification. In particular
the advice from officers, that a. The legal
Applicant is Urban Planet or Ward Veitch and the nominated Contact Name for the Applicant
is the only person that can have authority to interact with the Agency ; and b. The Agency's
position that only the ‘nominated contact’, on the Form can be that single authorised
person. I hold the view
that this advice is flawed. My Reasons are 1. Applicant
for the DA is clearly M and J Gruske, not Ward
Veitch or Urban Planet; and 2. Under Section
52 of the Planning Act 2016 (Act), an Applicant may change a development
application, before the application is decided, simply by a giving notice to
the assessment manager. The DA Form is
part of the material of a development application. There is no
statutory form to be used to change a component of a development application
that has not been decided However, the
Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works provides
template forms on their website, along with guideline for their use. The
website includes a template notice for use by an applicant in giving notice
to the assessment manager about a change to a development application under
section 52(1) of the Act. Under
administrative law ‘templates’ are not mandatory documents but optional
documents to provide assistance in undertaking a process. Under Schedule
2 of the Planning Act a ‘notice means a written notice’. The use of a
departmental template document is more than sufficient to satisfy the
provisions of Section 52 of the Act. The Agency’s
policy to require the submission of a subsequent, full and new DA Form 1 (to
the assessment manager?) in order to change the content of the original DA
Form in order to award standing to a delegate of the Applicant, is in
conflict with the requirements of the law and contrary to good administrative
practice. If it is the
policy of the Agency to only afford standing to a single delegate for the
Applicant to deal with the Agency in relation to the assessment process of
the DA then I am of the view that the submission of the template form
provided for on the department's website to the Assessment Manager should be
adequate to effect that change and satisfy the Agency. Please advise
me of your decision in this matter Regards Warren |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Thursday, 10 October 2024 4:33 PM To: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet Subject: FW: Applicant and Delegate -2112-26497 SRA |
Hi Ward My feeling is that
we are near the end of engagement with SARA so do I don’t intend to change
the current arrangement. If I am incorrect I will
re-evaluate at that time Regards Warren |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Thursday, 10 October 2024 4:45 PM To: 'WBBSARA' Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet; Emily Burke FCRC Subject: RE: Applicant and Delegate -2112-26497 SRA Attachments: Noticeaboutchangedevelopmentapplication.doc |
Hi Luke Thanks for the
follow up My feeling is
that we are near the end of engagement with SARA so do I don’t intend to go
thought, at this stage, the process set out in my email to change the current
arrangement. If I am incorrect in my assessment I will re-evaluate at that
time I have attached
for your information the appropriate form (from the departments website) for
the process I understand to be correct, under the department advice and
guidelines. My Regards Warren |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Thursday, 17 October 2024 1:11 PM To: me@warrenbolton.com; 'Mud Crabs Direct' Subject: FW: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Attachments: 2112-26497 SRA - SARA Approved Plan (amended in red
by SARA on 17102024).pdf; GE83-N Representations about a referral |
forwards email from SARA From: No Reply
<mydas-notifications-prod2@qld.gov.au> Sent: Thursday,
17 October 2024 12:38 PM To: Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au;
development@frasercoast.qld.gov.au; enquiry@frasercoast.qld.gov.au Cc:
peter.mulcahy@dilgp.qld.gov.au; ward@urbanplanet.com.au Subject:
2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Please find
attached a notice regarding application 2112-26497 SRA. If you require
any further information in relation to the application, please contact the
State Assessment and Referral Agency on the details provided in the notice. This is a
system-generated message. Do not respond to this email. |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Friday, 18 October 2024 5:57 PM To: 'Emily Burke' Subject: RE: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence |
Thanks Emily Regards |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Friday, 18 October 2024 8:15 PM To: 'Ward - Urban Planet' Subject: RE: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Attachments: SARA Condition Response.pdf |
Hi Ward Is there a
facility to engage with SARA at this stage over their conditions? I see Part 6 of
the Development Assessment Rules but they do not seem to help understand the
process And what is the
time period and process? OR Do we just wait
until the DP is issued and file and Appeal In the P&E Court and then
negotiate? My Issues are
attached Please let me
know Regards Warren |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Monday, 21 October 2024 5:53 PM To: Emily Burke FCRC Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet Subject: SARA Advice |
Hi Emily As you know I
have been dealing with SARA which eventually led to them providing their
advice. I have held a
discussion with Ward, who advises me that we can respond to their advice to
the assessment manager, any time up to when the assessment manager makes a
decision, in relation to the development application. Is there any
mechanism that I can put in place to pause the assessment while we negotiate
with SARA? I don't think
it will take that long, Just I need to clear up some
information that isn't making sense to me in their conditions. Thanks to your
advice Regards Warren |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Tuesday, 22 October 2024 11:06 AM To: 'Ward - Urban Planet' Subject: RE: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Attachments: Condition Response .pdf |
Hi Ward Having you send
it I think is the most expeditious and less complicated option so if you
happy to do that I have attached
the response I want to send However you might want to read it and make
sure you're comfortable putting that under your name. Without putting
any pressure on you if you could let me know if you are happy with it as soon
as possible because if you're not then I have to start the alternative
process Thanks you help Warren |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Tuesday, 22 October 2024 4:02 PM To: 'Ward - Urban Planet' Subject: RE: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Attachments: Condition Response.docx |
Hi Ward Okay, have
proofed and re-engineered the emotive terms Attached is the
document in word format to enable easy C&P I know you
appreciate the urgency of lodgings with SARA Can we CC the
Council in with the response ? Thanks for you
cooperation Regards |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2024 10:45 AM To: 'Peter MULCAHY'; 'WBBSARA' Cc: me@warrenbolton.com; 'Emily Burke' Subject: FW: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Attachments: 2112-26497 SRA - SARA Approved Plan (amended in red
by SARA on 17102024).pdf; GE83-N Representations about a referral agency
response.pdf; RA6- N Response with conditions (RAL21-0138).pdf; 21153 SARA
Representations.docx |
In accordance
with the provisions of the Development Assessment Rules 2017 we wish to make
representations in relation to the attached conditions issued by SARA. Please
refer attached representations for your consideration. Regards, Ward Veitch |
From: me@warrenbolton.com Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2024 10:48 AM To: 'Ward - Urban Planet' Subject: RE: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence |
Thanks Warren |
Ref |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2024 2:29 PM To: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: FW: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Attachments: FW: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence (1.17
MB); 2112-26497 SRA - SARA Approved Plan (amended in red by SARA on 17102024).pdf |
forwards email from SARA From: Peter
MULCAHY <Peter.Mulcahy@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> Sent:
Wednesday, 30 October 2024 12:04 PM To: Ward -
Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au>; WBBSARA
<WBBSARA@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> Cc:
me@warrenbolton.com; 'Emily Burke'
<Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>; 'Development Planning' <Development@frasercoast.qld.gov.au> Subject: RE:
2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Good Afternoon Ward, Proposed RAL (1
Lot into 5 Lots) at Wilkinson Road, Tuan (2112-26497 SRA) – written
representations Pursuant to
28.4(a) of the DA Rules, SARA intends to change its Referral Agency Response. In relation to
the written representations (attached), SARA provides the following
clarification on the SARA approved plan: - the blue area
within Proposed Lot 5 on the SARA approved plan indicates the 50 metre buffer from the mapped High Ecological
Significance (HES) wetland (distance of this buffer is based on the subject
site being located within the Low Density Residential Zone under the Fraser
Coast Planning Scheme 2014) - the red area
within proposed Lot 5 represents the mapped erosion prone area - all SARA
conditions relate purely to the subject site and do not have any bearing on
adjoining allotments, including Lot 915 on FY1775 To assist SARA
in assessing your written representations and issue a Changed Referral Agency
Response, would you please clarify: - which
conditions you are seeking to delete - which
conditions you are seeking to amend (proposed text to be deleted in
strikethrough and new text to be included in bold) Would you
please provide the requested information to SARA by COB Friday 1 November
2024. If you have any
queries please contact me. Kind Regards, Peter |
From: me@warrenbolton.com <me@warrenbolton.com> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2024 1:22 PM To: 'Ward - Urban Planet' <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Subject: RE: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence |
Hi Ward See attached Regards Warren |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Thursday, 14 November 2024 11:11 AM To: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: FW: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Attachments: Condition Response No 2.pdf; 2112-26497 SRA - draft
SARA conditions (11112024).pdf; 2112-26497 SRA - SARA Approved Plan (amended in
red by SARA on 17102024).pdf |
forwards email from SARA From: Peter
MULCAHY <Peter.Mulcahy@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> Sent:
Wednesday, 13 November 2024 4:36 PM To: Ward -
Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au>; WBBSARA
<WBBSARA@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> Cc:
me@warrenbolton.com; 'Emily Burke'
<Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>; 'Development Planning' <Development@frasercoast.qld.gov.au> Subject: RE:
2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Importance:
High Good Afternoon Ward, RE: 2112-26497
SRA application correspondence Further to the
SARA e-mail of 30 October 2024, SARA has negotiated a suite of amended
conditions with the Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and
Innovation (formerly Department of Environment, Science and Innovation).
Deleted text is in strikethrough and new text in bold. Where SARA
proposes to amend conditions which are outside the scope of the written
representations, SARA is required to obtain written agreement to issue a
Changed Referral Agency Response under Section 28.2 of the DA Rules. To assist in
your review I have attached a copy of the SARA
approved plan (as amended in red) plus a copy of the written representations. Would you
please review the draft SARA conditions attached and provide your written agreement
via return e-mail by COB Friday
15 November 2024. Kind Regards, Peter Peter Mulcahy Principal
Planning Officer – Wide Bay Burne |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Friday, 15 November 2024 2:23 PM To: 'WBBSARA'; 'Peter MULCAHY' Cc: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: FW: Response to SARA - RAL21-0138 Attachments: Condition Response No 3.pdf |
Refer attached
submission/response |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Monday, 18 November 2024 8:44 PM To: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: FW: Response to SARA - RAL21-0138 |
forwards email from SARA See below From: Peter
MULCAHY <Peter.Mulcahy@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> Sent: Monday,
18 November 2024 5:04 PM To: Ward -
Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au>; WBBSARA
<WBBSARA@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au> Cc:
me@warrenbolton.com Subject: RE:
Response to SARA - RAL21-0138 Good Afternoon Ward, SARA
acknowledges receipt of your response to the draft conditions agreed between
SARA and the Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation
support the removal of Condition Nos. 2 and 7 – all other conditions will be
retained as per the original Referral Agency Response issued on 17 October
2024. As per our
discussion, SARA will issue a Changed Referral Agency Response by COB
tomorrow. Kind Regards, Peter Peter Mulcahy Principal
Planning Officer – Wide Bay Burne |
From: Ward - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2024 10:32 AM To: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: FW: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Attachments: 2112-26497 SRA - SARA Approved Plan (amended in red
by SARA on 21112024).pdf; GE83-N Representations about a referral agency
response.pdf; SARA Amended response - with conditions (21112024).pdf |
forwards email from SARA Sent: Thursday,
21 November 2024 9:54 AM To:
Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au; development@frasercoast.qld.gov.au;
enquiry@frasercoast.qld.gov.au Cc:
peter.mulcahy@dilgp.qld.gov.au; ward@urbanplanet.com.au Subject:
2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Please find
attached a notice regarding application 2112-26497 SRA. If you require
any further information in relation to the application, please contact the
State Assessment and Referral Agency on the
details provided in the notice. This is a
system-generated message. Do not respond to this email. |
From: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Thursday, 6 February 2025 11:29 AM To: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: RE: 2112-26497 SRA application correspondence |
No specific written permission that I recall. From:
me@warrenbolton.com <me@warrenbolton.com> Sent: Tuesday,
4 February 2025 2:07 PM To: Ward Veitch
- Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Subject: FW:
2112-26497 SRA application correspondence Importance:
High Hi Ward As you probably
would be aware I am putting the final preparations in place in relation to
the matter to go
before the planning and environment Court As part of that
process I am assembling all the relevant materials. Readings
through this email below it brought my attention to section 28.2 of the
Development Assessment
Rules I particularly
note that those changes that SARA made to the layout plan you produced and provided –
appears, on my reading of the rules, id require to be approved, in writing by
the applicant, to
the referral agency. You will
probably remember there was some toing and frowning in relation to the
conditions placed by SARA
and in particular our main focus is on Condition 1 where they incorporated development
conditions into your site plan. Just checking with
you to see if you gave them written permission to do that? If you could
let me know the answer will be helpful Regards Warren |
From: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au> Sent: Monday, 24 February 2025 11:37 AM To: me@warrenbolton.com Subject: FW: Decision Notice - RAL21/0138 - Wilkinson Road TUAN Attachments: Decision Notice - RAL21.0138 - Wilkinson Road
TUAN.pdf; Infrastructure Charges Notice.pdf; Fact Sheet - Infrastructure Charges Incentives -
Delayed Payment - Incentive 1.pdf |
Ward forwarded
a copy of the decision Notice |