1. Chronology - Email Decision Notice

Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au = Emily FCRC

me@warrenbolton.com= Warren Bolton

ward@urbanplanet.com.au = Urban Planet Ward Veitch

mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com Mark and Julianne Grunske



From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 2 December 2024 8:36 AM

To: Emily Burke FCRC

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet; Mud Crabs Direct

Subject: RAL21-0138

Morning Emily

Could you please give me an estimate of when you anticipate the decision notice for all the above will issue?

Many thanks




From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Monday, 2 December 2024 8:42 AM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet; Mud Crabs Direct

Subject: RE: RAL21-0138

Hi Warren,

I will try to get to the report this week, I am overwhelmed with lots of work but I note the decision is currently due 6/12/24.

I have the engineering comment so that is a good start.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards

Emily Burke


From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 2 December 2024 8:44 AM

To: 'Emily Burke'

Subject: RE: RAL21-0138

Thank You

I am not surprized you are busy



From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 6 January 2025 1:27 PM

To: Emily Burke FCRC

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet; Mud Crabs Direct

Subject: Decision Notice RAL 21-0138

Hi Emily

My understanding is, that by agreement with Ward, the date for determination of the above application was extended to 13 December 2024.

When the decision notice failed to materialise on the 13th, in appreciation of the cooperation that you have extended to me during the period of my dealings with Council I elected to wait until Christmas break for the Decision Notice to arrive.

Ward has advised today that no further communication between himself and Council has occurred since the 13th and Christmas has come and gone.

I'm sure you would appreciate it is essential that we continue to progress this project, so if you could just update me as what is the reason for the delay so I can then determine what is our most appropriate response.

Thanking you for your assistance




From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Monday, January 6, 2025 1:46 PM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au>; Mud Crabs Direct <mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: Decision Notice RAL 21-0138

Hi Warren,

Thanks, I will get back to this.

The only reason I can give for the delay was that I had two other applicants expecting decisions prior to Christmas these those applications had entered decision stage earlier than yours.

I do believe I have engineering comments so will see if I can get draft conditions to you this week.

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 6 January 2025 1:48 PM

To: 'Emily Burke'

Subject: RE: Decision Notice RAL 21-0138

Thank you




From: Emily Burke

Sent: Friday 10 January 2025 9:57 AM

To: me@warrenbolton.com; Ward Veitch (ward@urbanplanet.com.au) <ward@urbanplanet.com.au>

Cc: 'Mark & Julianne Grunske' <mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com>

Subject: Recommendation

Hi Warren and Ward,

Please find recommendation for RAL21/0138. I will ask admin to prepare the decision notice please let me know if you have any problems.




From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Friday, January 10, 2025 10:13 AM

To: 'me@warrenbolton.com' <me@warrenbolton.com>; Ward Veitch (ward@urbanplanet.com.au)


Cc: 'Mark & Julianne Grunske' <mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: Recommendation

Hi Warren

I have added an additional condition 32 as follows:

32. Include in any Contract of Sale for lot 5, a copy of the State Assessment and Referral Agency response, 2212-26497 SRA and dated 21 November 2024.-At all times


Also, in regards to condition 9(b) of the State conditions relating to buffer elements (extracted below).

Does your client know what they will do to comply with this condition? Sometimes council would have conditioned a rehabilitation plan and covenant.



Image Inset SARA Condition9


Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner



From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 13 January 2025 9:48 AM

To: 'Emily Burke'

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet; Mud Crabs Direct

Subject: RE: Recommendation

Morning Emily

Thanks for sending the draft

It would properly come as no surprise that I have issues with a number of the conditions, putting aside the duplication of clause 21 and 24.

I don't know if you want to wait until I give you our formal response or whether you just issue the decision notice and we proceed from there.

Thanks for your assistance




From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Monday, January 13, 2025 9:54 AM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au>; Mud Crabs Direct <mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: Recommendation

Hi Warren

I can delete out the duplicate condition and fix up the later conditions that refer to condition numbers. This is no problem.

If we issue a decision notice we will subsequently have to issue a negotiated decision notice if the applicant makes representations and we agree.

You can do whatever you like but if your issues are minor it may be better and more time efficient to have a look at any of your concerns now.

Let me know your thoughts. I am not here for a week after Wednesday.

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 13 January 2025 9:48 AM

To: 'Emily Burke'

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet; Mud Crabs Direct

Subject: RE: Recommendation

Morning Emily

Thanks for sending the draft

It would properly come as no surprise that I have issues with a number of the conditions, putting

aside the duplication of clause 21 and 24.

I don't know if you want to wait until I give you our formal response or whether you just issue the decision notice and we proceed from there.

Thanks for your assistance




From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 13 January 2025 11:02 AM

To: 'Emily Burke'

Cc: Mud Crabs Direct

Subject: RE: Recommendation

Hi Emily

Ok! Great - Thank you

Will consider the advice and make a decision and will respond by Wednesday if going down the representation path.




From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 6:25 AM

To: Emily Burke FCRC

Cc: Mud Crabs Direct; Ward Veitch - Urban Planet

Subject: Development Conditions

Attachments: Council Submission.pdf; Condition References FCRC.docx

Hi Emily

I have reviewed the conditions provided and there are a number with which I have an issue.

I have attached a Submission which provides the areas from which my concerns arise.

My client has authorised me to commence proceedings in the Planning and Environment Court in relation to the conditions attached by the referral agency, [SARA] once the decision notice has been issued.

Should Council wish to retain ALL the conditions as proposed, consideration may need to be given of the level to which Council would become involved in the above-mentioned court proceedings.

My regards



From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 9:45 AM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Cc: Mud Crabs Direct <mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com>; Ward Veitch - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au>

Subject: RE: Development Conditions

Hi Warren

I am out of the office after today returning 28/1/25.

I have already sent the report to our admin officers to prepare the decision notice.


I have forwarded your email to Manager Development Engineering to consider your comments about

the conditions and seek advice on whether they wish to delete/amend conditions.

My Manager Jeff Brannan has agreed to finalise a decision after this has occurred unless Ward (as the

applicant) wanted to have a meeting.

I was not aware your client planned to appeal the State response to the Planning and Environment

Court, the State response seems fairly reasonable in terms of their requirements and relevant State

code requirements. But of course this is your clients right to do that.

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 11:02 AM

To: 'Emily Burke'

Subject: RE: Development Conditions

Hi Emily

Thanks for that advice.

According to the development application Ward is not the Applicant he is the ‘contact person’ nominated on the form on behalf of the applicant. The applicants for the development approval is Mark and Julieann.

One last request if I may before you finish up today

As you can imagine I am now turning my attention to the preparation of the development application for Operational Works

Apart from the material cited in Council's proposed conditions for the RAL, does Council have a development package to assist in the preparation of a competent development application in this regards?

If so if you could reference me to that as it would be appreciated

Also I again I express my appreciation for the all the assistance you have provided during this whole process and look forward to working with you in the next development application process


PS. SARA Condition1 and 6, in their current context effectively prevent further development of lot 5 by “prohibiting future development” for Lot 5 especially within the rising sea level overlay, even if that development can meet the requirements of the relevant assessment benchmarks by implement the engineer solution provided by International Coastal Management - That very significant - as worded it rules future options- That's a pretty significant condition

My regards



From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Tuesday, 28 January 2025 10:10 AM

To: Emily Burke FCRC

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet

Subject: Update RAL21-0138

Hi Emily - Welcome back

I appreciate you have probably have a mountain of emails in your inbox but when you get to

mine - just to update you.

I held a discussion last week with Cassandra, the admin officer I am guessing is supporting Jeff Brannan (That is as high up the tree as they would progress me) in relation to the issuing of the decision notice.

On her advice it was going to be issued last Thursday afternoon. - Nothing as yet.

I am wondering if you might be kind enough to chase that up for me and just find out what's going on?


I have almost completed preparation of the DA for Operational Works. I'm just clarifying you that I can submit the development application on a USB posted to council?

Also I encountered difficulty in converting some of the word documents across to PDF (New MS upgrade I suspect) because it was removing the bookmark part of the hyperlinks code – making them ineffective to use.

Is it okay if I include ‘Word’ documents in those instances instead of PDFs?

Hoping you enjoyed your break.

My regards



From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 10:15 AM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au>

Subject: RE: Update RAL21-0138

Good morning Warren,

I am not sure why the decision notice was held up but I will check in with Jeff. I believe the decision notice may be sitting there ready to go so if all okay will see if we can get this to you today.

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Tuesday, 28 January 2025 10:54 AM

To: 'Emily Burke'

Cc: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet

Subject: RE: Update RAL21-0138

Thanks Emily - Appreciate your assistance.




From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Tuesday, 28 January 2025 5:29 PM

To: Emily Burke FCRC

Subject: Development conditions

Hi Emily

I was doing some research earlier this afternoon in the government archives to see if I could locate that ‘advisory note’ from the Department back in the 1990s and I ended up in the planning tribunal section of the archives

the use of advisory notes in tandem with formal decisions.


It's entirely up to Council which way you approach this but I would much rather prefer to see if I can encourage Council to consider shifting the relevant material into the ADVISORY NOTE before you issue the decision notice because if you issued the decision notice as it is I am simply going to make the same submission back to you as I've already made and that seems to me just to be like a waste of both our times




From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 6:42 PM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Subject: RE: Development conditions

Thanks Warren. I will look at tomorrow. I had to leave work early but I agree it does seem a better idea to resolve before issuing.

So we can overcome the need for a negotiated decision request.

I think I will also talk to my manager/s to get their advice. And will come back to you.

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Wednesday, 29 January 2025 1:38 PM

To: 'Emily Burke'

Subject: RE: Development conditions

Attachments: Requested Condition Alterations.pdf

Hi Emily

I don't know if this will help with your discussions tomorrow but I have attached what is pretty

much what I will accept - without taking the matter to court

I hope you might find it useful in reconsidering Council's position in relation to the proposed


My regards



From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 3 February 2025 3:43 PM

To: Emily Burke - FCRC

Cc: Mud Crab Direct; Ward Veitch - Urban Planet

Subject: Decision Notice Plus

Hi Emily

Can you please update me on the situation with the decision notice.

As you know it was due on 13 December 2024. That date came and went and I elected to wait until Christmas and Christmas come and went. Then I was expecting it by 13 January 2025. That date come and went and now we are moving into February.

If you could just explain the reasons for the hold-up that will help me make a decision as to what our response should be.

As you know I would much rather sort things out now but I have the appeal against SARA’s conditions waiting to be filed and as you also know I can't file that without the decision notice.

If there are some issues that Council feels strongly about then maybe some sort of conference or simply just issued the decision notice and we can sort them out during the court process.

As I mentioned in my last email of 28 January, I have completed most of the documentation necessary to file the operational works application and am expecting the amended stormwater report back by the end of this week. At that time, I will have all the documentation completed and I'll be ready to file the DA.

In my last email I enquired as to whether or not I could do that by postage and a USB device?

If you could provide me a response in that regard and if it's okay the amount of the application fee?

Thanking you again for your assistance

My regards



From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Wednesday, 5 February 2025 3:49 PM

To: Emily Burke - FCRC

Cc: Mud Crab Direct; Ward Veitch - Urban Planet

Subject: FW: Decision Notice Plus

Hi Emily

I am sure you understand that I need to progress this project. It has spent enough time in the installed position.

·        I have the appeal against SARA conditions prepared ready for filing; and

·        A development application for operational works ready for lodging

Both are effected in different ways by the issuing of the decision notice

I don't necessarily require the decision notice today but I definitely need to know the problem causing the delay and how we might be able to address the circumstances.

If I understand correctly, we have at our disposal the facility to requesting the issuing of the decision notice.

I have already indicated the problems I see for it, in its original draft format and my preference is sorting it out before it is issued - rather than later.

But in order to make an informed decision I need to be in possession of all the information available, so I am again requesting that you update me in this regard

I do not think this is an unreasonable request.

I am appreciative for and cognitive of, the tremendous service you have provided to me in the past. However, my brief here is to serve the best interests of my client and that is served by progressing this project to its completion in a format that serves those best interests and in a timeframe that is as concise as circumstances permit.

I am also not a fan of ultimatums but sometimes there is no other alternative.

In the absence of advice as to the reasons for the delay I will have to you instruct Ward to proceed with the necessary documents to obtain the decision notice.

Hoping we can find a mutual solution to this circumstance

I remain



From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2025 12:00 PM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Subject: update

Hi Warren

Thanks for your call last Friday.

I will aim to get the decision notice to Ward tomorrow.

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: me@warrenbolton.com <me@warrenbolton.com>

Sent: Wednesday 12 February 2025 12:12 PM

To: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Subject: RE: update

Hi Email

Thanks for keeping me in the loop

I want to have a chap with you went I lodge the DA for OW sometime next week - Do you have a 30 minutes to spare sometime during that week.

And I can I lodge with USB device






From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2025 1:47 PM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Subject: RE: update

Hi Warren

It may be best if we ask a development engineer to attend as I do not assess OPW applications.

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Wednesday, 12 February 2025 3:30 PM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Subject: RE: update

Meeting request sent


From: me@warrenbolton.com <me@warrenbolton.com>

Sent: Wednesday 12 February 2025 3:35 PM

To: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Subject: RE: update

Accepted -Meeting scheduled for 18 February 2025 11 AM to 12 noon


From: me@warrenbolton.com <me@warrenbolton.com>

Sent: Monday 17 February 2025 10:01 AM

To: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Subject: Meeting Material

Morning Emily

Please find the attached.

I've taken the liberty of sending it to you so that you will have backgrounding for the matter for discussion at 11:00 tomorrow

See you then.




From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Monday, 17 February 2025 10:19 AM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Subject: RE: Meeting Material

Hi Warren

I have now booked a meeting out on site at 9:30am tomorrow in Toogoom. Without remembering we had out meeting scheduled for 11:00am. Would you be able to make it later?

The site visit may involve a bit of walking as such I wonder if it will be too tight for me to get back by


1pm may be better for me, please let me know your thoughts.

I will read your attachment now.

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 17 February 2025 10:23 AM

To: 'Emily Burke'

Subject: RE: Meeting Material

Sorry should have read ALL the Email

1:00pm is fine



From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Monday, 17 February 2025 3:44 PM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Subject: FW: Meeting Material

Attachments: Proposal.pdf

Hi Warren

I have talked to the Executive Manager, Jamie Cockburn, about your attached.

He has said we cannot relinquish the requirement to fill the lots. Our planning scheme policy does permit only 1200m2 of filled area rather than the entire lot. We could amend our condition in this regard. The waste water treatment areas are required to achieve this immunity. We also require the developer to extend the electricity network especially given there is electricity in Tuan already.

Do you really think we need a meeting? I just have a lot of work on and I am not sure I can change the conditions to any greater extent than already (after taking on your comments made a few weeks ago).

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: me@warrenbolton.com <me@warrenbolton.com>

Sent: Monday 17 February 2025 4:24 PM

To: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Cc: Mud Crab Direct <mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: Meeting Material

Hi Emily

No we don’t need a meeting if your executive manager thinks he can defend that position in


I don't know how much your executive manager knows about planning law and benchmarks but acceptable outcomes have always been just ONE way of achieving performance criteria and performance criteria are only one way of achieving overall outcomes and if you demonstrate compliance with overall outcomes you achievement compliance with the purpose of the code.

So as I said in my proposal, I understand that people can be committed to doing things the way they always have but if there is no interest in discussing the matter further and Council’s position is set in concrete then testing that position in court is what I will advise my client to do.

If there is no point in a meeting tomorrow then I ask that Council formally respond outlining their objections to the Proposal and you can proceed to issue the Decision Notice





From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Monday, 17 February 2025 4:40 PM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Cc: Mud Crab Direct

Subject: RE: Meeting Material

Thanks Warren, okay, we will do that.

Sorry to disappoint.

Kind regards

Emily Burke

Senior Planner


From: Emily Burke <Emily.Burke@frasercoast.qld.gov.au>

Sent: Monday, 17 February 2025 4:41 PM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Cc: Mud Crab Direct

Subject: RE: Meeting Material

Hi Warren

I will get onto issuing the decision ASAP.

Kind regards

Emily Burke


From: Mud Crabs Direct <mudcrabsdirect@gmail.com>

Sent: Friday, 21 February 2025 5:02 PM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Subject: Fwd: Decision Notice - RAL21/0138 - Wilkinson Road TUAN

Attachments: Decision Notice - RAL21.0138 - Wilkinson Road TUAN.pdf; Infrastructure Charges

Notice.pdf; Fact Sheet - Infrastructure Charges Incentives - Delayed Payment -

Incentive 1.pdf

Hi Warren Just opened up our emails and this came through. We noticed it wasn't sent to you so we

are forwarding it to you.


Mark & Julianne Grunske

Mud Crabs Direct


From: Ward Veitch - Urban Planet <ward@urbanplanet.com.au>

Sent: Monday, 24 February 2025 11:37 AM

To: me@warrenbolton.com

Subject: FW: Decision Notice - RAL21/0138 - Wilkinson Road TUAN

Attachments: Decision Notice - RAL21.0138 - Wilkinson Road TUAN.pdf; Infrastructure Charges

Notice.pdf; Fact Sheet - Infrastructure Charges Incentives - Delayed Payment -

Incentive 1.pdf

No Message


From: me@warrenbolton.com

Sent: Monday, 24 February 2025 11:52 AM

To: 'Ward Veitch - Urban Planet'

Subject: RE: Decision Notice - RAL21/0138 - Wilkinson Road TUAN

Thanks Ward

As you would be aware I pretty much have completed the Notice of Appeal and am expecting

to file probably by the end of this week.

It is my intention not to get you embroiled in this event, as much as I possibly do to achieve that - however it all depends how far SARA and FCRC want to resist change.

During the process of preparing my submission I discovered one interesting thing that you might be able to help me with.

I notice in your initial development report Under State Interests you referred ‘the site is located within the trigger area for Wetland Protection areas of the map for the wetlands whereas the map actually refers to it as a ‘buffer area’

I had encountered this dichotomy also when I was researching State Code 9 and the Guidelines referred to by SARA , which provided the advice ‘that buffer areas and trigger areas are not the same thing’ and that a buffer area could be smaller than a trigger area’.

Two weeks ago, I sent an email to the Department seeking some clarity. At this point no response.

Can you shed any light on this topic?

